My Tribute

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My Tribute est un album de Carola sorti le , produit par Tore W Aas chez BMG.

Liste des chansons

  1. It's Good To Know Jesus (F D Williams)
  2. The Blood (Andraé Crouch)
  3. Save The Children (T Aas / J Groth)
  4. We Will Stand (R Taff / T Taff / J Holihan)
  5. Oh Happy Day (E Hawkins)
  6. You Light Up My Life (J Brooks)
  7. Anybody Here (H Lee Harris)
  8. Hold On (R Loften / S Harley)
  9. Don't Be Discouraged (T Aas / J Groth)
  10. There Is A Way (D Stearman)
  11. Newborn Soul (C Eggleton)
  12. My Tribute (To God Be The Glory) (Andraé Crouch)


Save the Children

  • 01. Save the Children

(Les paroles) Save the children

Save the kids of this world

Save the children

Let their prayers be heard

Seak and hungry

In the ruins of war

Save the children

and give them all

Save the children

Save the ones who must suffer each day

Save the children

And give them hope today

And save the children

From the heat and the sun

Save the children

What on earth have they done

And save your sympathy

Without action they're lost

And we got to save the children

Save them all

Save, save the children Save the ones who must suffer each day Save the children And give them hope today

I've seen the suffering faces Flashing over my TV screen And when I open my newspaper Over and over these heart breaking scenes

We got to save Save the children Save the ones who must suffer each day We got to save Save the children And give them hope today We got to save the children And give them hope today Put your love into action And give them hope today And give them hope Today

You Light Up My Life

  • 01. You Light Up My Life


Drapeau de la Suède Suède n°21

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