Life designing
Le life designing (traduction française : « créer sa vie », « construire sa vie ») regroupe un ensemble de préceptes, techniques, outils et actions ayant pour objectif d’accompagner l’individu dans la réalisation d'une vie professionnelle et personnelle en adéquation avec lui-même.
Cette méthode publiée en 2009, s'inscrit dans une dynamique Européenne transversale touchant les domaines de l'orientation scolaire et professionnelle, de l'éducation et du développement personnel de l'individu. Ce concept repose sur la singularité de chaque être humain et sur le potentiel de développement d'une vie et d'un métier intrinsèquement lié à son identité.
Histoire et développement
Le concept de life designing a émergé en réponse aux changements sociétaux et économiques qui ont marqué le début du XXIe siècle, période durant laquelle les carrières linéaires sont devenues moins fréquentes et la nécessité d'une adaptation constante plus évidente. Les travaux de chercheurs tels que Mark Savickas ont contribué à formaliser cette approche qui s'appuie sur la psychologie positive et les théories modernes de l'orientation.
- Journal of vocational behavior, april 2009, Life Designing, a paradigm for career construction in the 21st century by Mark L Savickas, Laura Nota, Jerôme Rossier, Jean-Pierre Dauwalder, Maria Eduarda Duarte, Jean Guichard, Salvatore Soresi, Raoul Esbroeck, Annelies E.M van Vianen.
- Luz Canino-Baker, Designing your life plan, RTC Publishing,
- Dennis M.Postema, Designing your life, motivation & success, September 2013
Sources & références
- Jacquin P & Juhel : Développement de carrière et construction de vie; une nouvelle méthode pour l'orientation tout au long de sa vie.
- School of Psychology, Via Venezia 12 - ESVDC overview: Aims and projects – Chair: Dauwalder Jean-Pierre & Schiersmann Christiane, University of Lausanne, Switzerland & University of Heidelberg, Germany : Extrait : "The European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling ESVDC was founded in 2011. Aims: ESVDC aims to stimulate and promote European and international collaboration in research and development in the fields of life-designing, vocational guidance and career counseling."
- Fruebing Judith (National Guidance forum in Education, career & employment) Berlin Germany "Quality and professionalism as a way to tackle uncertainty: reflections on the German quality development process and its results with reference to Life Designing and current challenges"
- Construire sa vie (Life designing) : un paradigme pour l’orientation au 21e siècle:
- Ertelt Bernd-Joachim, université de Czestochowa, Poland. Career counseling in the sense of life designing for temporary, unemployed and underemployed workers, and for drop-outs
- Workers on the periphery of the employment market: bad career choice or bad life-designing? Frey Andreas & Ruppert Jean-Jacques. University of the Federal Employment Agency, Germany/Applied Vocational Psychology & Policy Research Unit, Luxembourg
- Le Life designing face aux aléas postmodernes du conseil en orientation
- Développement de carrière et construction de sa vie : une nouvelle méthode pour l’orientation tout au long de la vie
- Chauvet André "Counseling plan inspired by life designing…" André Chauvet Conseil Auriol Fce.
- Action-research as a strategy in counselling to support autonomous life-designing / Piazza Roberta & Di Nuovo Santo / University of Catania, Italy
- ‘Hope and optimism’ - ‘6 Ps career management skills’ as a tool for emigrants used by a multicultural counsellor in a Career Counselling and Life Designing practice Slowik Aneta Unit of Social Pedagogy and Counselling Studies, University of Lower Silesia, Poland. Extrait: "‘Managing the career’ is understood as a learnt ability to assess one’s own experiences and analysis regarding the construction of the career and the search for prospects of changes to it in ‘the liquid modernity’ (Bauman 2006). The similar view on the subject of life designing is suggested by researchers belonging to the Life Design International Research Group (Mark Savickas, Laura Note, Jean Guichard, Solvatore Soresi, Raoul Van Esbroeck, Maria-Eduarda Duarte, Annelies Van Vlanen), (Savickas et al. 2009). They are not only creators of this research perspective but also furtherers constantly striving for widening the understanding of modern mechanisms and processes present in life designing."
- Life Designing under rapidly changing conditions. In vivo experiment in Hungary Kiss Istvan/ Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
- Career counseling e life designing per persone adulte in Venezuela. Una proposta formativa basata sul Bilancio e portfolio di competenze Avila Cruz Yeslaine Marisol Università di Padova, Italia
- 'Soaring to Success' - a pedagogy and personalised development process for life designing Kumar Arti University of Bedfordshire (emeritus status), UK
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