Ski féminin

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L'Italienne Elena Runggaldier, championne de ski .

Le ski féminin est le ski pratiqué par des femmes[Interprétation personnelle ?]. Cette discipline sportive qui relève du sport féminin[réf. nécessaire] comprend notamment le biathlon féminin, le ski acrobatique féminin, le ski alpin féminin et le ski de fond féminin[Interprétation personnelle ?].


  • F. Ingjer, « Maximal oxygen uptake as a predictor of performance ability in women and men elite cross-country skiers », Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, vol. 1, n°1, , pp. 25–30.
  • RM Greenwald, EP France, TD Rosenberg et T Toelcke, « Significant Gender Differences in Alpine Skiing Injuries: A Five-Year Study », .
  • H. Stevenson, J. Webster, R. Johnson et B. Beynnon, « Gender differences in knee injury epidemiology among competitive alpine ski racers », The Iowa Orthopaedic Journal, vol. 18, 1998, pp. 64-66.
  • Jan Hoff, Jan Helgerud et Ulrik Wisløff, « Maximal strength training improves work economy in trained female cross-country skiers », Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, vol. 31, n°6, , pp. 870-877.
  • Randall W. Viola, J. Richard Steadman, Scott D. Mair, Karen K. Briggs et William I. Sterett, « Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Incidence Among Male and Female Professional Alpine Skiers », The American Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 27, n°6, .
  • U. Pettersson, H. Alfredson, P. Nordström, K. Henriksson-Larsén et R. Lorentzon, « Bone Mass in Female Cross-Country Skiers: Relationship Between Muscle Strength and Different BMD Sites », Calcified Tissue International, vol. 67, n°3, , pp. 199-206.
  • Ferguson, Daniel D; Jones, Karna, « Cross-country skiing as a self-efficacy intervention with an adolescent female: An innovative application of Bandura's theory of therapeutic recreation », Therapeutic Recreation Journal, vol. 35, n°4, 2001, P. 357.
  • P. Larsson, P. Olofsson, E. Jakobsson, L. Burlin et K. Henriksson-Larsén, « Physiological predictors of performance in cross-country skiing from treadmill tests in male and female subjects », Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, vol. 12, n°6, , pp. 347–353.
  • Bao Ming-ming et Si Li-ge, « Analysis on Chinese Female Athletes' Willpower Level in Freestyle Skiing Aerials in the 20th Winter Olympic Games », Journal of Shenyang Sport University, 2006.
  • Bruce D. Beynnon, Robert J. Johnson, Stuart Braun, Mike Sargent, Ira M. Bernstein, Joan M. Skelly, et Pamela M. Vacek, « The Relationship Between Menstrual Cycle Phase and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Case-Control Study of Recreational Alpine Skiers », The American Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 34, n°5, .
  • Li Ni-na, Ge Bing-zhu et Liu Ling-yan, « Present Situation and Strategy on Chinese Female Team of Freestyle Aerials Preparing for the 21st Olympic Winter Games », Journal of Shenyang Sport University, 2008.
  • Ji Dong et Wang Meng, « Expectation of the Participators' Technical Motion in Lady Aerials Event of Freestyle Skiing in the 21th Olympic Winter Games », China Winter Sports, 2009.
  • T. W. Flørenes, T. Bere, L. Nordsletten, S. Heir et R. Bahr, « Injuries among male and female World Cup alpine skiers », British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 43, n°13, 2009.
  • Lou Yantao, Yan Hongguang et Wu Songlin, « Relationship Between Triple Platform Vacated Height and Landing Impact of Chinese Women's Freestyle Aerials Team », Journal of Shenyang Sport University, 2010.
  • Zhang Yun-feng, Wang Zhi et GE Bing-zhu, « Characteristic Analysis on the Lower Limbs' Muscle Strength and Static Balance Ability of Chinese Elite Skiers of Freestyle Skiing Ladies' Aerials », China Winter Sports, 2010.
  • Ø. Sandbakk, G. Ettema et H.-C. Holmberg, « Gender differences in endurance performance by elite cross-country skiers are influenced by the contribution from poling », Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, vol. 24, n°1, , pp. 28–33.


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